WEBPAGES: Introduction Publications Papers Theses Seminars PHOTO'S: PETRA S.W. hall Installation Rotation Beampipe Chambers Countinghut People-1 People-2 Photo's-1 (4.8 MB) Photo's-2 (3.4 MB) |
Mark-J was one of the experiments involved in the discovery of the gluon in 1979.
Data taking at PETRA, the at that time highest energy e+e collider in the world at DESY, Hamburg (Germany) started in December '78 and within a year the existence of the intermediary of the strong interaction, the source of fire in sun and stars, was established.
This website is organised around several pages. How the Dutch involment in the experiment came about is told in the introduction. The formation of the collaboration in the early years before the start of PETRA can also be found there. Information on the various publications, the Dutch theses and my seminars before and after the discovery of the three jet events complete this part of the website. The main part of the site is formed by the collection of photographs of PETRA and the installation of the experiment with all its people. The still controversial issue of the discovery of the gluon and how to answer the question; "Who really was first and deserves the ultimate credit?", is still not settled. My opinion on this matter can be found in the publication In Search of Gluons.
Aachen | DESY | MIT | Madrid | NIKHEF | Pasadena | Peking |